Why my Bosch tankless WH freezes during winter

by Ella
(Winnipeg in Canada)

What do I have to do to protect my Bosch water heater from freezing during the winter time. I have try to winterize it but obviously I am missing something. The water heater is installed in my basement and has the vent pipe sticking out the external wall. The model is C1210.

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Jul 15, 2013
How to protect tankless water heater from freezing
by: Anonymous

If planning to leave on vacation during the winter time I suggest draining all the water from water heater and disconnect the gas, electricity and water from the main supply.

Every tankless heater today is most of the time equipped with the electric heater (which should be the case with your C1210 also) so if you have freezing problems during the winter then you should check the heating element, does it get electricity or not.

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