Complete Waste of Money

by Jaime Nahman
(Topanga, CA)

We purchased a Navien 240A recirculating propane heater. From day one, we have had nothing but problems. We waste more water waiting for hot water than the old tank used to pass. Cold water sandwiches are not uncommon. Navien's solution is to have us run the recirculator during all hours where we need hot water. Being home often, it is hard to say when we need it. Certainly, the use of electricity and propane to comply with their solution is not a savings. Unit needs periodic maintenance.

Navien's solution to maintenance and all problems "Call a service person out." So if you are looking for hot water, trouble free equipment, and savings, Navien is NOT the way to go. Navien is great if you like frustration, aggravation, and a new place to spend money. Do not do this to yourself...mine is available if you really want to have one.

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Jun 25, 2017
i feel your pain
by: Marshall

thanks for your post, I had the same experience with the bosch natural gas unit I had (sans the recirc).

i hope folks do their homework when buying these tankless units because although they boast enery savings, i have my utility bills to prove quite the opposite. Restarting the hot water flow everytime you call for hot water wastes not only energy, but a lot of water to boot.

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